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Automated lecture recording

For many semesters now, our faculty has had good experiences with the automatic recording of lectures.

This means no additional work for the lecturers themselves. The lecture is held as usual. The recording starts automatically 5 minutes before and ends 10 minutes after the lecture. The audio and beamer signal are recorded. If a camera is installed in the lecture hall, lecturers can also be recorded if desired.

The videos will then be made available in the corresponding ILIAS course to participants registered for the course via KLIPS. A download is not offered. You can see an example of what this can look like here.

This makes it easy to catch up on a missed lecture or repeat a passage that has not been understood. Fears that students would stay away from lectures if they could watch them online have not been confirmed. In addition, students who miss individual sessions due to illness and those who are not native German speakers receive additional support.

The Opencast team at the RRZK is responsible for the campus-wide service and is available at the support address for anyone who is interested and has further questions. Information and instructions on Opencast can be found on the RRZK website at:

There you will find, among other things, instructions on how to plan your lecture in ILIAS/Opencast. In addition, we have also explained the procedure in a short video tutorial.